New Mini Bursary Programme 2021
New Mini Bursary Programme 2021
The bursaries can be used to buy time in the studio, materials and/or technical support to make new work using the range of printmaking processes available at Northern Print. The bursaries are aimed at professional artists with or without printmaking skills and designed to support making larger, complex or more experimental work.
Value: £600
We are especially keen to welcome applications from artists who might not otherwise access the studio without this support.
The bursary must be accepted before 30 June 2021 and can be completed up to 30 September 2021.
This has been funded through the Culture Recovery Fund.
How to apply:
Please send the following information to enquiry@northernprint.org.uk by 12 noon on Thursday 10 June 2021.
- Artist’s statement and up to date CV
- A letter outlining how you propose using the bursary –your ideas, processes and materials you might use and how this might further your practice. Any information about support you might need e.g., technical support, tuition to develop printmaking skills or access needs.
- 6 Images of your work relevant to your application (please send as attachments or via WeTransfer)
- Link to website/s that show your work.