Love Nature More. Northern Print Studio Artists. 14 July - 11 Sept 21
Love Nature More.
Northern Print Studio Artists
14 July - 11 Sept 21
“And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.”
Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are
It has been a strange and extraordinary eighteen months for all of us during which time nature and our relationship with the natural world has been in sharp focus.
The enforced hiatus of lockdown created a space of uncertainty, observation, and reflection on our place in the world and our green spaces have become an invaluable resource for our mental health and well-being, both inspiring us and giving us comfort.
Daily walks have drawn attention to hitherto overlooked aspects of flora and fauna, birdsong, seasons and changing weather. We may have sought solace in actual, remembered or imagined landscapes; found new ways of living and working that are kinder to nature or struggled to maintain contact with cherished places. Many of us will have found some aspect of nature that has been of personal importance over the last year.
This exhibition of over 60 original prints using a variety of media has been created by Northern Print's studio artists based on their unique experiences of the natural world since March 2020.
Each print measures 30cm x 30cm and they are all available to purchase for £100 or less.
You can view the work in progress on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #LoveNatureMore and #PrintmakingJune.
To see a selection of prints for sale online from the exhibition click here. More to be released.
Image: The Dene monoprint (detail) by Janet Walton